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🥢African Twig Mantis (Popa spurca)

Popa spurca, the African twig mantis, or fondly just called "sticks" or "twigs" by many in the hobby, are an adorable and amusing stick-mimicking species famous for their "stick pose" where they extend their arms straight out pretending to be a stick. Like many other mantises, they may also drop and play dead when threatened, often in combination with the stick pose for a hilariously dramatic event.

🥢African Twig Mantis (Popa spurca)

  • • Adult size: 2-3in
    • Instars: 9 ♀ / 8 ♂
    • Sexing & Dimorphism: Popa nymphs can be sexed by abdominal segments starting at i3-i4. See the Sexing category in the Care Guide for information. Female nymphs also have more prominent bumps on the top side of their abdomen than males. As adults, females have relatively short wings and much bulkier bodies.

  • • Difficulty: beginner
    • Temperature: 72°-85° F
    • Feeding: i2s will be eating Hydei fruit flies. Popa have been voracious eaters for me and do fine on roaches when old enough.

most orders ship Mon/Tues and should be placed by 3am CST Tuesday to ship the same week (if weather & stock allow)

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