A perfect species for new keepers or anyone who enjoys big or simple "mantis"-looking mantises, Hierodula are a favorite among both beginners and experienced keepers alike!
Hierodula membranacea is a large species growing up to around 3.5in, and are hardy, aggressive towards prey and voracious eaters, and very easy to keep. They are typically green in color by adulthood, though they may also end up shades of yellow, cream, tan/brown or even a "rose gold" color with pinkish wings!
These nymphs are various shades of green or yellow. I will try to pick mantises by color preference if noted as long as available stock allows, but keep in mind color is not at all guaranteed throughout their life as they can change color at any time with molts, and even after their adult molt may change from the initial color (most commonly turning from yellow to green.)
🌿 Giant Asian Mantis (Hierodula membranacea)
• Adult size: 3-3.5in (7-9cm)
• Lifespan: 1-2 years
• Instars: 10-11 ♀️ / 9-10 ♂️
• Sexing: Hiero nymphs can be sexed by abdominal segments starting at i4-i5 (easier at i5.) See the Sexing category in the Care Guide for information.
• Difficulty: beginner
• Temperature: 72°-80° F
• Housing: This species grows large, so be prepared to move them into larger enclosures at later instars.
Adults can be kept in large Zilla microhabitats, ExoTerras, mesh cubes, or other large enclosures that are at least 10-12" tall and 6-8" wide.• Feeding: Hieros are a voracious species and should not be picky about food. As a larger species, roaches will essentially become necessary to reasonably feed Hieros through their last instars to adulthood, especially females.