Creobroter, whose pointed eyes make them resemble little alien cats, are tiny but very bold and voracious mantises, actively chasing down prey often with little regard for its size! These nymphs are Creobroter apicalis, or the Yunnan flower mantis. They are a hardy beginner species for those that don't mind or prefer their small size, only growing up to around 1.5" and able to be kept in smaller enclosures throughout their entire life.
They are generally a pale or tan color, though they may sometimes be more green, and have beautiful body markings throughout their life; adults have vivid green wings with an eye spot. Creobroter nymphs, like Pseudocreobotra, occasionally display a behavior I call the "flower dance," wiggling their raptorials and abdomen in mesmerizing dance-like movements.
🌼 Yunnan Flower Mantis (Creobroter apicalis)
• Adult size: 1-1.5in
• Instars: ~8
• Lifespan:
⠀♀️ ~1-1.5 years
⠀♂️ ~6-12 months (~2 months as adults)
• Sexing: Creo nymphs can be sexed by abdominal segments starting at i3-i4 (although they are very small and can be hard to see or get good pictures of until they are older!) See the Sexing category in the Care Guide for information.• Difficulty: beginner
• Temperature: 72°-85° F
• Housing: This species is very small, and can be kept in deli cups or small enclosures throughout their entire life. Small Zilla microhabitats or similarly-sized enclosures will provide plenty of space for adults, but even a 32oz cup can be used if preferred.
• Feeding: Creos are surprisingly voracious and aggressive towards prey, and should not be picky about food; however, they are quite small until later instars. i2-i3s are eating Hydei fruit flies. i4-i5s are eating tiny roaches or houseflies.